Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus

Fellow compatriots,

Dear Friends,

On the occasion of these sacred days, which carry powerful symbolism and profound messages, I address all of you with feelings of appreciation and respect, extending my warmest wishes for health, happiness and prosperity.

These have been exceptional and important days. They were the days of the Holy Week, the days of the Torture and Resurrection of Christ, a journey from temptation to redemption, from Martyrdom to Resurrection, from death to life, a journey with clear and strong messages of hope, fraternity and solidarity.

The unfading light of Resurrection illuminates our path and fills us with hope and strength so that we can walk with optimism and faith, in order to face the multiple challenges and improve the daily life of each and every one.

Sadly, for yet another year the message of Resurrection will not be heard in our churches in the occupied areas, which have remained silent for 50 years. From the depth of my heart, I address all of our enclaved people, the displaced, the relatives of our perished and missing persons, as well as the Cypriot people as a whole, in order to assure you that, despite the difficulties and challenges caused by the behaviour of the Turkish side, my utmost concern is the resumption of substantial negotiations for a settlement of the Cyprus problem on the basis of the agreed framework. I am striving towards this end with all my strength, this is my vision, this is my priority: to liberate our country, to reunite it, on the basis of the United Nations Resolutions and European principles and values.

I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that the present state of affairs cannot live to be the future of our country. This is not the future we have envisaged for our homeland, for Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Maronites, Armenians and Latins and for all the legal inhabitants of this land.

In this effort, no one is left out, because, I believe, we share this great goal, we share the vision that unites us: To give our children the opportunity to live and to create, in safety and prosperity.

The unstable geopolitical environment creates an unpredictable backdrop, both internationally, as well as in our region. From the outset, we have been striving towards securing our country’s economic stability, safeguarding its internal security, but also highlighting its stabilising role in the region. Despite manifold challenges, I am particularly optimistic, because our country's economy remains on an upward trend in terms of its future prospects, as a result of the responsible and prudent policy we are pursuing. This is precisely what allows us to exercise a targeted social policy that is anthropocentric, focusing on our vulnerable fellow citizens, the middle class, households and businesses, the elderly, single parents, large families, people with disabilities and all those in need of our support. We stand by them so that they can live with dignity, as every human being should.

Immigration, housing, high energy costs and the need to move forward with bold institutional reforms are key areas for which we are working methodically, based on a holistic approach for permanent and sustainable solutions. We are working on the basis of a growth model that is anthropocentric and focuses on the need to broaden the productive base of the economy based on further research and innovation, on technology. We invest in education and health, which are our Government’s main pillars for a better tomorrow.

This is not the time for glaring declarations. It is a time for personal introspection and collective reflection, in anticipation of the joyful message of Resurrection. Today, we return to the sources of our faith and tradition, in order to draw strength, share love and feel deeply, inside of us, the meaning of victory of life over death.

Happy Easter to all!